Thank God! I missed 1st Division by 2% at B.Sc. Graduation.

Thank God! I missed 1st Division by 2% at B.Sc. Graduation.

Hi folks!

Surprised by the title? Do not be, I will tell you exactly how missing 1st division by 2% helped me in my life!

Honestly I was not even fond of pursuing Masters followed by PhD. and stuff! I am talking about early 90’s. At that point of time we hardly knew much about any career options etc. Masters degree meant becoming a Professor or doing some research work in a laboratory smelling of formaldehyde.. or whatever – not my cuppa tea ! Both were so boring…so very boring! So what was my plan after graduation? Simple plan – Getting married and living happily ever after with my Prince Charming – Yipeeee! Give birth to 2 children and chill at hubby’s expense! Like I had completed his family…given birth to his children….living at his expense is not shameful as many are made to believe! My mother was a homemaker – and she was one dominating personality – nothing moved in the house without her consent…so? She was the queen of the household…so would I be – this was my simple plan.. desire..dream!

Getting married and becoming a housewife (homemaker…sounds better huh) had more or less been my life long dream in fact. Since early childhood I used to marvel at my mom’s life – such a leisurely life she had – pack us off to school…prepare delicious dishes and welcome us back after school…all done at leisure. She was  very innovative about cooking and she was a very good cook too…and it made her pretty happy to feed people! So I was okay with that kind of life – I did not want to work – Never! Why should I? I had even mentally planned that when some guy comes to see me for marriage purpose, I will clearly tell him my intentions. Period!

(Deep sigh) But folks destiny had something altogether different in store for me…altogether different!! I got a higher second division – missed 1st div. by 2% and so I joined my parents where my father was posted – his last posting before retirement – Ambala Cantt.

We had this huge bungalow and very conveniently there was a Kharga Library just outside the bungalow…and in the library awaited my destiny! I came across ‘Complete works of Swami Vivekananda’ …and my perception regarding life changed…changed drastically. The change was not evident on the outside…but inside I was ushered in a whole new dimension of spirituality!


I had been God loving since childhood – saw dreams of Gods (which my friends & many others thought that I was making up stories – like how can one lie about God? – but there are people who can do that too…thus they think that it is impossible to dream about Gods! You see maximum people judge others by their standards…they cannot imagine that one can dream of Gods in this ghor kalyug!).

It was while reading Complete works that I first came to know about ‘Kundalini Shakti’ and ever since then – 1992 – I started seeking my spiritual Guru! Of course I still wanted to get married and have children…just that this extra element got attached to my aspirations…that the man I marry should be an ardent spiritual seeker too……little did I realize that it was asking for too too too much!

So let’s focus on the title of this article – an excerpt or slice of my life – why did I thank God for not letting me pass with 1st division? Simple folks –had I got a 1st division – I would have been forced to complete M.Sc. – after all I was eligible for Masters degree from reputed Calcutta University – why on earth would any sane person want to leggo of the opportunity?! So I would have joined the University for further studies…and further more studies…yuk…and above all – would have missed the arrival of ‘Complete works of Swami Vivekananda’ in my life….would not have known about divinity and spiritual life…would not have turned into a spiritual seeker – seeking my SadhGuru who would awaken my Kundalini Shakti…..would have just been another brick in the wall!

One may say that I would have been exposed to the teachings of Swami Vivekananda once I had settled in Kolkata…but it’s not so easy folks! I was in Kolkata for 3 years – in a hostel – I never came across his teachings!…and moreover I had ample free time at Ambala – no studies, not much – had just joined a Computer course in a local college – learning Cobol, Dbase etc. just thrice a week for 2 hours plus M.A in Public Administration from Kurukshetra University – correspondence course. That’s all …no friends, no one I knew – so what about the rest of the time? Rest of the time was preparing me to get ready for the next evolutionary phase of human beings – Self Realization through Kundalini Awakening!!

So? So whatever happens, happens for good.


Learn to see the big picture folks….life will appear absolutely sorted! Trust me!

Coming up next – Thank God! I wasted 7 years in an illusionary love with a God man.

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2 thoughts on “Thank God! I missed 1st Division by 2% at B.Sc. Graduation.

  1. Vijay

    Do you a Sahaja yogini?? What you do at this website? Please stop all these things at your website. You share anti ganesha content at your website. And Shree Mataji’s content also. This is not good. Please stop all this.

    1. admin

      I have removed all film related material from my website and transferred it elsewhere. Now only Shree Mataji’s quotes/ knowledge and my life story (autoboigraphy).

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